More SmartDocuments Features

Everything you need to create perfect documents

Smart DocEngine

Easily generate larger amounts of documents with customized output.

High Volume

Generate massive bulk documents lightning fast.

Full compliance

Ensure compliancy with document automation

Lightning Speed

Quickly and automatically populate different data points in various documents

SmartEditor (template builder)

With a building block, you can easily reuse recurring information in other templates.

Templates in which the corporate identity and layout of new and existing templates can be built and adjusted.

Data question

Place data from external (web) sources into a document.


This question type allows you to insert data from the XML into the document (including tables, etc.).


Insert JSON-based data into the document.

Number question

The user can only enter numbers that are region and format specific.

Mask question

Create specific (mask) questions, such as a zip code. This for example allows only 4 digits and 2 letters to be entered for Dutch zip codes.

Afbeeling van de blauwe SmartDocuments Splash

Open question

Users can freely enter text.

Selection question

The user can only choose one answer from multiple answers.

Multiple choice question

Multiple options are provided, and multiple answers are possible.

Yes / No question

It's only possible to answer with yes or no.

Date question

The user can select a date.


Hiermee kunnen plaatjes in de template worden toegevoegd, denk aan een ingescande handtekening


Allows additional text to be placed on the question and answer screen — E.g., for clarification or indication.


There is no limit to the number of templates that can be created.


This allows question types to be linked together.

Follow-up question

With this option, follow-up questions can be created.


Option to place different pieces of text in different places in the document based on one choice.

All Microsoft Word possibilities

In addition to all the options of SmartDocuments, you also have all the options of Microsoft Word available for creating templates.

Webservices question

The user can choose to use the information provided by an XML or JSON file.

SmartControl (managing templates and rights)

Remembers all template versions, including comments about the changes. Previous versions can easily be reinstated.

Synchronize accounts from your AD with SmartDocuments. Simplifying user administration by doing it from one location.

Document properties

Manages the storage of documents with additionally linked metadata.

Easy to look up information across all building blocks and templates.

DSP (Document structure plan)

Arranges the storage of documents according to your structure.

3D afbeelding van template management

Easily assign user rights to both users and administrators.

Test templates first before enabling the new version for everyone.

Word templates

Existing Word templates can easily be imported into SmartDocuments.

DMS plugin

Automatically store documents in your DMS.


ClientTools creates new opportunities for integration and document handling between web and client applications.

Managing users

Enables third-party applications to manage users in SmartDocuments.

SmartWizard (the document generator)


The SmartWizard is available in the following languages: NL, DE, SE, EN, ES, FR, HU, and CZ.

A real-time example of the document during drafting.

Help text

Displayed only if desirable (mouse-over).

Mandatory questions

Ensures that important questions are always answered.

External URL’s

A link to a web page where additional information is given.

Edit in Microsoft Word

Not recommended in most cases, but there is a possibility to manually edit the Word document before forwarding it to an external application.

Signing a document quickly and easily.

Quickly send emails based on templates.

Generate documents as PDF, HTML, XML, and ODT in addition to the standard MS Word .docx output.

Selection plugin

Control SmartDocuments templates from external applications.

3D afbeelding van documentcreatie


After generating a document, you can proceed to another online environment to further process the document.

Did something come up during the creation of a document? Temporarily store it to continue later safely.

Does a document need to be checked or signed by colleagues? The co-authoring functionality can facilitate this.


Accessible document elements for all users


Screen reader support for navigation


Clear communication on all levels


Reliable performance


Ready templates

For redaction in documents, ensuring fast and accurate redaction when needed


Redact all variables or opt to redact specific answer fields

External databases

Redaction from external database variable answers and metadata


We made the redacted documents as accessible as could be that even screen readers can handle redacted documents

Security and compliancy


Once documents are generated, all data is deleted.

Afbeeling van de paarse SmartDocuments Splash

GDPR compliant

No data is stored after the document is generated.

SmartDocuments Netherlands is ISO 9001 certified.

SmartDocuments Netherlands is ISO 27001 certified.


Online software from SmartDocuments has SSL encryption.

Simple and secure access to SmartDocuments at anytime, anywhere.

Oauth2 is used for accessing, reading, and modifying data.

Just one login to access all applications.

Reach out to learn more

Picture of Maaike Erents, business development specialist

Maaike Erents

Business Developer

+1 202-756-1016